Friday, September 20, 2013



I know this might be a lil cliche, but what better than to start a (I'm not used to "blogging" I'm used to writing journals. So therefor, I'm calling it a journal) journal! with something broad and worth while. I like to start my journals based on some pictures/quotes so that when you're reading it will help you get a better feel for what the hell I'm talking about and they just plain make us feel better, don't they?.

Ya know, I get distracted A LOT, so excuse me if i digress too much, I will eventually come back to the topic.

Well hello there! This is the first journal I've put out in quite some time. I updated my first one, even though this feels like a first. It is a first under "words from the wize". I really hope by creating this that I can help others that might be struggling through things going on in your life and you just need something to relate to. Something to help the chaos in your brain to calm down, even just for a min.

Alright so positiveness. Lets Analise this. What the fuck is positiveness!? gives me way to many answers for this so lets check out Merriam-webbster. (I prefer normally)


adjective \ˈpä-zə-tiv, ˈpäz-tiv\
: good or useful
: thinking about the good qualities of someone or something : thinking that a good result will happen : hopeful or optimistic
: completely certain or sure that something is correct or true

in other words

lol. no but really, put on a tutu or something. XD

Every time I see the word adjective I think of grammar house rock. I had an old school computer game for it and that seriously taught me all of that shit. So if you're having problems in English and cant remember things like nouns, adjectives, verbs, conjunctions, interjections, etc PLZ look that shit up on YouTube! catchy tunes. Will stink in your brain!


And just because I'm talking abt tutus doesn't mean this is just for girls. I'm sure the guys would like to see your lady wear a tutu right? lol. what I meant is the message I am trying to convey is for everyone and so is the humor. Ok maybe not for the kids. Other than the ones in tutus :P jk jk

So positive means good or useful. Or in math it is on the right from 0. When you buy a computer or a type of tool you buy it because it will make your life easier. Why would I want to sit here chopping veggies when I have the slice and dice 9000! (yes, pun intended, but I really don't know wat that's referencing to. wat is over 9000!)

I appreciate your patience. I feel more like I made this journal for the humor more than the meaning.

Thinking about the good qualities is very under estimated nowadays. If you really want to try to see the good in something, no matter how negative, you will find it. I am always trying to extract the good out of something that might be seen as bad or even someone who is an ass.

I remember watching the Winx Club once and they talked about you can always find some light in the darkness, and you can always find some darkness in the light. (wish I could figure out which episode.) Then it made me think about a yinyang. and the black represents darkness, the white represents the light. There is a balance, and that needs to be maintained.

Also something I've noticed and thank God for: Good ALWAYS wins over evil. Ex: Sara is beating Zammy in battle of Lumbridge on RS :) lolol

Well, I hope I accomplished something by writing this. I will add more to this if I think of something else. See you later gaters!

This is where id say something like check out my yt channel or something but I don't have much on there other than silly vids :P

<<< listen to both the Japanese (weird and cuteness overload) and English version of this song on yt! omgg I love ittttttttttt. Here is the English version that I like the most. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is the shit! her and Nicki Minaj should team up :D


 <<< Here is the original :D

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