Monday, January 18, 2016

To love and be loved my Pido to be

True love -

Ah love... when I think about love it makes me want to speak old English. Doth not know the meaning of love? What is love anyways. Is it that funny feeling we feel inside when we see someone were fond of. What about love for your family? friends? things? animals? Now I don't know everything, but I do know some things. And I'd like to share with you my thoughts and experiences on love.

There are many different kinds of love as I mentioned. I once did this paper on songs that I had to relate to (egos, agapos. etc. note: find paper and elaborate)

So many people have the idea of love different from what it is truly meant to be.

In this particular post I mainly want to talk about how true love is not possessive. It is not self seeking. It is not jealous.

It is unconditional. - without condition.

Sure it's great to have things (I'm more so talking abt physical) that you really like about the person. Their hair, their style etc. But those things are very separate. They can be connected to love, but they are not part of love itself. Does that make sense? Projecting what we want on a person is possessive. Loving a person for those things isn't real love. You can appreciate* those things about them. We all have our preferences and there is nothing wrong with having them. But those things mean next to nothing when compared to real love.

Prince Ea talks about it:

How amazing <3

One of my favorite movies, which has taught me a lot of other very meaningful things. Taught me about what love really is. It is a gift.

What Love Is Quote's - Amy: Do you know what love really is, Tom? Love is a one way street, going from you out. And you give it because it makes you feel good to give it. Because when you give it, it makes you strong. And that crazy, vulnerable, out of control scary feeling, feeling that most people think is love? It's not really love at all; it's just the need to be loved. And believe me, its a really different thing. Real love isn't "I love you" hoping the other person is going to say it too. It's just, I love you. Its like giving someone a gift at Christmas, and if you get anything back, that's a bonus, that's extra. But you shouldn't NEED to receive it, cause the true strength is in the giving of it. But then again, that's just what I think. And what do I know? I don't know anything.

I would like to also address the meaning of some words:

(verb) *understand: to perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or speaker).
to perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of (something). to be sympathetically or knowledgeably aware of the character or nature of. to interpret or view (something) in a particular way.

(verb) *appreciate: to recognize the full worth of.
to be grateful for (something). 

(noun) *acceptance: the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable. agreement with or belief in an idea, opinion, or explanation

I am putting these definitions here for me or you (the reader) to keep track of the differences when used. Sometimes they get used interchangeably when the speaker actually means one of them specifically or maybe a whole diff word needs to be used. 

For example the 2nd definition (that I didn't put up above) of appreciate is: to understand (a situation) fully; recognize the full implications of.

Sometimes we mix words because their meanings are so similar. And you still might get the point across. But lets be specific here.  

Here's an analogy that I thought of through an 
experience I had. If someone offers you a peanut butter jelly "love" sandwich. Don't take it. It's a trap.

Jelly meaning: Jealousy. When someone becomes jealous/possessive over you. 

Also, be careful when using the term "My" (like what Prince Ea said.)

And the peanut butter representing sticking to that person or them wanting you to stick to them.

Throw that shit out and make yourself a new sandwich.

Its sorta like that phase: If you love someone set them free. Because if they love you as well,  they will return.

Funny Lenore quote:

(Other definitions I'm going to use/haven't gotten to yet)

Agape (Ancient Greek: ἀγάπη, agápē) is 
"love: the highest form of love, especially 
brotherly love, charity; the love of God for 
man and of man for God."

adjective: amiable
having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.

adjective: altruistic
showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.

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